Changing Upsell Popup Settings

The upsell popups on your online store have their own default settings and appearance. These settings include the fonts, colors, and texts of the Add to cart and No Thanks buttons that appear on the pop-up. You can change these settings anytime depending on how you want it to look. However, the size of the fonts cannot be changed, only the font style and color. Follow the steps below to learn how to change the upsell popup settings.

In this article:

Changing pop-up settings

Launch the app and go to Settings.
Under Customize Design tab, choose  Upsell Popup.
Choose the colors that you want for the Add to Cart button and text, No Thanks text, Product Title text, Regular Price text, and Sale Price text.
Choose your preferred fonts. 
Click Save.

Common Questions

Can I change the upsell popup location?
Unfortunately, no. The popup box can only appear in the cart section of the website (e.g. Also, the customer needs to add a trigger product to the cart before the offer can be displayed.

Can I set the upsell offer to display inline instead of a pop-up?
The upsell offer is set to appear as a pop-up by default. Unfortunately, there is no way to change this setting such as making it appear in line with the trigger product.

Is it possible to make the pop-up appear after any product is added to the cart?
Unfortunately, this is not possible. When offers are created, the process involves adding specific products as trigger products which will serve as the "alarm" as to when the upsell pop-ups should appear. So needless to say, these upsell pop-ups only appear if the trigger product is added to the cart, and not just any product.

Why does the Success message appear before the actual upsell pop-up does?
This happens because the success message and the notification bar work together hand in hand. The notification bar shows up every time the requirement set in the offer is met. Even if customers add the product manually to the cart and not thru the upsell pop-up, the app will recognize that the offer has been met and will show the success message and provide the discount for the offer.

Is it possible to direct customers straight to the checkout page?
Unfortunately, this is is not possible at this point. As soon as the customer accepts an upsell offer, he needs to go through the cart page first in order to let the discounts apply before going to the checkout page. This goes the same if he declines the upsell offer. He will still need to stay on the cart page to process his original order before going to checkout.

Enable product links - What does it do?
This function is used to allow the customer to access the product page of the product in the upsell offer that pops up. If this setting is set to ON, the customer will be directed to the product page when he clicks on the product. If it is set to OFF, the pop-up will not link to the product page.

Can I add a field for the note in the upsell pop-ups for the customers' special instructions?
No. There is no allotted field for a short note or message where customers can use for special instructions or messages.

Can I add some text above the product on the upsell pop-up?
Unfortunately, the app does not have this feature yet. The upsell pop-ups are designed to contain the products that are being featured, their variants if applicable, their prices, and quantities. A template is already in place and will just need this information to be filled in when you create the offer. When the upsell offers pop up, the details will appear on its designed template and there is no setting where you can add texts.

Can I put a table on the upsell pop-up to sort the variants?
The variants can only appear on a drop-down menu and there is no setting in the app yet where you can put a table on the pop-up offer. However, you can install Discounted Pricing, another app from Booster apps for this purpose. Although Discounted Pricing functions differently from Discounted Upsells, it will allow you to have a table on the product page that will list down the discount offers associated with a particular product.